Business Succession Agreement
How do I order a Business Succession Agreement?
A Business Succession Agreement is a contract between the principals involved in a business as to what will happen with their interest in the business on the occurrence of certain events.
Simply fill in our form below. We will have our solicitors review all of your details and give you a quote before proceeding. Our solicitors will personally prepare your documents.
These are not template Agreements. The Agreements are tailored to your specific Business and Investment needs.
- Prices from $1500 plus GST.
Q & A ???Business Succession Agreement
The questions and answers below are for information purposes only and are not advice. You should arrange your own legal, accounting, financial and other advice.
What is a Business Succession Agreement?
A Business Succession Agreement is a contract between the principals involved in a business as to what will happen with their interest in the business on the occurrence of certain events. These may be insurable events and non-insurable events.
Need More Infomation?
Contact us
Phone: 1300 667 817
PO Box 47 Highgate SA 5063
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Contact us
Phone: 1300 667 817
PO Box 47 Highgate SA 5063