Change of Company Name
How do I order a Change of Company Name?
Simply fill in our form below. We will review all of your details and contact you with any questions. We will personally prepare your documents. You will receive your documents via email or express post.
- DIY Print: $826* (including GST and ASIC fee)
- Hard Copy: $870* (including GST and ASIC fee)
Q & A Change of Company Name
The questions and answers below are for information purposes only and are not advice. You should arrange your own legal, accounting, financial and other advice.
1. Why would a company change it's name?
A Company may want to change their name for a number of reasons. Maybe the Company is selling the name as part of the sale of it’s business, maybe the nature of the Company’s business activity has changed or maybe the Company originally adopted the ACN as it’s name.
2. What can I call the Company?
You can choose any suitable name, but there are some restrictions:
- A company name must indicate the company’s legal status. A proprietary company must include the word ‘Proprietary’ or the abbreviation ‘Pty’ in its name.
- A company must also indicate the liability of its members in its name: if the liability is limited, the company name must end with the word ‘Limited’ or the abbreviation ‘Ltd’.
- You can not choose a name that is already registered to a company or business. The ASIC has a free National Names index search you can use to check this
- Also there are some words that you cannot use without special approval. Certain words and phrases cannot be used in company names without the approval of a specified Minister or Government agency, for example words such as ‘building society’, ‘bank’, ‘trust’, ‘trustee’, university’, ‘chamber of commerce’, ‘chartered’, ‘GST’ and ‘made in Australia’ as well as words suggesting a misleading connection with Government, the ‘Royal Family’ or an ex-servicemen’s organisation. These restrictions make sure that a company’s name does not mislead people about its activities.
- ASIC has placed restrictions on the characters that can be used in company names to the letters A ??? Z, number 0-9 and punctuation characters ! ( ) : ; ? , – and &.
- ASIC may refuse to register certain names if they are offensive or suggestive of illegal activity.
- You may also need to consider if your proposed name is similar or identical to any registered or pending trademarks. See IP Australia
3. Using the ACN as a name
It is not necessary to give a company a name. If you prefer, the name of the company can be its Australian Company Number (ACN).
Document Shop Delivery Options
* Prices are GST inclusive. Prices include the ASIC fee of $474* (GST-free) for Change of Name.

DIY Print - $826
We will deliver all documents to you via e-mail.??

Hard Copy - $870
We will print, bind and deliver all documents to you via express post.
What do I get?
You will receive:
- Circulating resolution of Directors (resolving to put change to members)
- Circulating resolution of Members (adopting name change)
- Circulating resolution of Directors (noting name change)
- ASIC form 205 (Notification of Resolution)
Minutes of meetings of Directors and Members if preferred
- Certificate on Change of Name once lodged
We will lodge the ASIC Form 205 for you.
You should not rely solely on the information in these questions and answers because they are of a general nature only and the tax and commercial laws apply differently to different people and circumstances. Also as the law changes constantly, there may have been changes to the law since these questions and answers were written. None of the information is intended to be legal, accounting, financial or other advice. You must not act on the information. You must seek your own legal, accounting, financial and other advice.
Document Shop Pty Ltd and it’s directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants and the author of these questions and answers expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person or entity for the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person or entity relying on a part or all of the contents of these questions and answers.
Need More Infomation?
Contact us
Phone: 1300 667 817
PO Box 47 Highgate SA 5063
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Contact us
Phone: 1300 667 817
PO Box 47 Highgate SA 5063